Monday, December 14, 2009

Phonographs, Disney Style!


One can’t play Disneyland Records (or any records for that matter) as a kid with out these babies. Sure there’s the Fisher Price record player but these two I have are cool with a capital C;

This first one is from Sears and it has two speeds (33 &45) to play your records on. The inside cover has a picture of Mickey Mouse in a stripe shirt with a comic book bubble saying, “Hi kids!” The tone arm is shaped like his arm and white glove and I can only assume you handle the arm by his pointed finger.

The second one shown here has got to be the coolest tie-in to Disney’s multi-platinum hit, MICKEY MOUSE DISCO.

I bought this on Ebay years ago and while it may look like a regular player, the front panel lights up to the music depending on the volume. The top lid bears the from cover of the MMD LP and the inside shows the rear cover artwork. I did some research and found out that this was manufactured in Canada and the owners of this record player were also treated to a free copy of the album, :D. Here is my YouTube video of it in action playing some tunes.
And BTW, the sound from both are obviously monaural but the sound reproduction sounds good for a a kids phonograph.