Saturday, September 11, 2010

Quadraphonic Sound, Disneyland Style

This posting is a bit off topic but worth mentioning since I have acquired an SQ decoder and have gotten into the Quadraphonic craze, myself.

In the 1970s, a new and exciting new format came alive, and it was QUADRAPHONIC sound It became the forerunner of today’s surround sound and came in three major formats: SQ, QS, and CD-4. For matrix you had SQ (by CBS) and QS (Sansui) and for true discrete sound, CD-4. Most of the major labels got into the Quadraphonic craze but Disneyland/Vista did not join in with the others. Sadly, Quad was a commercial failure due to technical problems by the end of the 1970s but was revived in a different form as Surround Sound. Still, quad systems/decoders were even compatible with regular stereo discs and even you could play them with added effects and surprising results.

I know I’m a bit old school but I’ve been collecting Quad LPs for years and now I could appreciate what Quad has to offer. I found that certain Disneyland/Vista Stereo records sound sensational in Quad/Surround (depending on the album, of course). For example, Camarata Conducts Man of La Mancha gives that true “FantaSound” in all 4+ channels. Imagine hearing all of the stereophonic Storytellers and albums enhanced.

To experience the Quadraphonic magic, you need, a quad system with a built-in decoder or external decoder with two stereo receivers. It sounds primitive but the sound really surrounds you.  Even today, with modern surround receivers via Dolby Pro Logic II and above, you can capture the magic with varying results.

UPDATE: In the case of the formats. SQ and QS are matrix and only require a regular stereo cartridge/stylus.  However, for CD-4, you'd need a CD-4 demodulator and a cartridge and stylus (Shibata) to get the full discrete effect (and LOTS of patience.)